Saturday 8 April 2017

What are the most common sexual disorders in men?

It is a pain often unspeakable for men and that can spoil their lives. Patients with sexual disorders tend to reduce the frequency of sexual intercourse.

Premature ejaculation, the most common disorder

This is a persistent or repeated speed of ejaculation, which men fail to control. One in five men is affected by this sexual disorder and there is no age to suffer. Physicians distinguish two types of premature ejaculation: primary (either 2/3 of cases) or secondary (1/3 of the cases). Premature ejaculation is called primary when it is almost systematic since the beginning of sexual life. It occurs before or just at the time of penetration. Premature ejaculation is called secondary when it occurs after a period of sexual intercourse without difficulties. It may be due to performance anxiety, psychological problems, erectile dysfunction, hyperthyroidism or the cessation of addictive drugs.

Erectile dysfunction, an evil that gets worse with age

It is "the persistent inability to obtain or maintain an erection sufficient to allow satisfactory sexual intercourse". A common sexual disorder since it affects about 1 adult man in 10 and even nearly a quarter of men after 50 years. And the future does not bring good news since with the aging of the US population; the number of people suffering from this disorder could double within 25 years. Factors that predispose men to develop erectile dysfunction include age, vascular problems, hormonal disorders and neurological disorders. Some medical treatments also have an impact on the quality of the erection.

Disorders that remain under diagnosed and under treatment

According to the medical study, 2/3 of men suffering from premature ejaculation do not consult with the thought that their problem "will work out on its own". But 62% of those who do not consult also explain that they are ashamed and 54% decline because they did not know the existence of medical solutions to treat their problem. The same phenomenon is also observed with regard to erectile dysfunction.

Painful consequences

The impact on the psychological and social well-being of men who suffer from these sexual disorders is important. In total, 48% of patients in a medical study indicated a feeling of failure, 47% felt frustrated, and 37% said they were worried about their sexual future. And 37% report being subject to mood disorders (compared to 11% in the general population) and 26% to insomnia (compared to 12% in the rest of the population); they tend to consume more tobacco or alcohol than other US people. A suffering that does not spare their partners: more than one woman out of two whose partner has premature ejaculator, declares that orgasm is very difficult to reach, or even totally absent. In the end, sexual disorders are sometimes a reason for rupture or divorce (29% for men suffering from erectile dysfunction and 22% for premature ejaculators).

The Solution for all these problems is here:

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